I hope by now you can remember the last three notes we went through, that is, the semibreve, minim and the crotchet and also their respective values. In this post, we will take a look at how it is all put together to make rhythm happen. I will put these notes within boxes or what is called in music, bars, with no more than 4 beats to each box or bar. There will be two bars for each one of the examples and they will look something like this.
Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

As you may have noticed, the notes are all the same. Each of the two bar examples will form what we call, a rhythm. A rhythm can be formed with anything from one bar to any number of bars. Now we will try to clap out these three simple rhythms. In order to know when to clap, we will put a count under each note like below, to help to show you when to clap. Keep a steady count like 1, 2, 3, 4. At any time you see a note above the number that you are counting; you clap your hands together. Remember, that it is very important to try to keep your counting at a steady pulse.
Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

In the next step, I have included 3 simple audio file that you can use to help you clap at a steadier pace. Try it out for yourself. It is based on exactly the same examples as above except there are 4 bars of rhythm plus one extra bar at the beginning. The first bar you do not clap because that is the first 4 beats which we call the “count-in”. That is to give you an idea of the speed you need to count at. The sound of the bell is to let you know it is the first beat. So, are you ready to try? Let’s go.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
See you in the next post for some more exciting rhythm playing stuff!