Music Performance & Appreciation

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Chapter 6: The brave and passionate decision to study music

Turning down offers to study Medicine and Biochemistry for Music was one of the bravest choices I have ever made in my life. In hindsight, I have no regrets about that decision but it was no easy task.

Battling with remarks about it being a job with unstable income and being a course for people who were less academic, among others, I was undeterred about my decision. I did not know how a career in music was going to turn out for me. All I had was total passion and love for music. Though advised against it, I vehemently pursued a career in music when I received a British Council Scholarship to study in the UK.

During my early school years, I often excelled in Science and after completing my Victorian HSC at Taylors College; I was at cross roads with my decision. To those of you in a similar situation, my advice is to follow your heart’s desire and face any difficulty with courage and perseverance.

At that time, the only career options was either being a Performer or a music teacher. Nothing else was available! It must have been God’s choice and calling that I become a musician. After all, I believe God is the provider of talent.

Today, there are much more career opportunities in Music. Options include being a producer, lecturer, researcher, early childhood music specialist, music therapist, instrumental teacher, arranger, composer, sound engineer, etc. With degrees offered in Media art linking music to photography, graphics, visual arts, fine arts, digital technology, etc, there is a huge world for a music or music-related career out there waiting to be discovered!

With all that available, one just has to ask oneself this question:
What is it that I genuinely dream of becoming?

Once you have decided, pursue your dream career fervently and be successful with it.

Dr. Geraldine Law-Lee, Tue 19/02/2008

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