Music Performance & Appreciation

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Chapter 11: Harvesting the fruits of labouring in the field of music

Quite many years ago, music as a career in Malaysia seemed to be only for those who couldn’t achieve higher academic levels, besides being a field totally for the artistic. Music has taken the world by storm in the field of performance, especially in the area of pop and jazz. The classical arena has narrowed, due to the emergence of world music, gospel music, contemporary music and folk music. Technology has opened up the world of music production through digital recording media and computer music. The creation of amazing music software has lead to a whole new world of composition, arrangement and production.

I was again in luck to hit the wave for the music world I was in. I started a higher learning academy for music students to pursue their degrees, and this opened up all the areas of education, technology and opportunities for me. I wanted a place of music making, teaching, performing, enjoyment, a place where music teachers can enjoy being together, working together and excelling in music.

Again, when all that was achieved, I sought to fly higher. This made me realize that God was really empowering me. With this realization of God’s love for me, all things faded in comparison with His plans and His love for me. I had found my goal. I had found an oasis with a lifetime abundance of satisfaction, of joy, of immense wealth, of the joy of sharing. Indeed, discovering that one derives great satisfaction in one’s daily work, and to discover one has a truly rewarding career is indeed like having found the world’s greatest treasure.

Dr. Geraldine Law-Lee, Sat 19/07/2008

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