Music Performance & Appreciation

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Chapter 10: The fruits of my music career and sharing it

I now realized everything was placed in my path to allow me to be an empowered musician since my earliest days! As a piano teacher, my dream to establish a music academy was realized with the great contribution from my diploma students who worked with me upon graduation to build the International Music House. We began with only 3 of us teaching piano and electronic organ. Today, the IMH comprises a junior music school and a full-fledged academy, enabling students to complete their degrees in music twinning with Australian, UK and local universities. It was an amazing dream come true!

Today, I realized God had called me for a purpose. When He asked me to take up music instead of medical science, I obeyed. My passion, my dreams, my hope of a good career and future was all in His hands. I did not realize it then but never gave up because I served in my church music ministry since I was 12 years old. His voice was always prompting me, giving me the directions. I followed my Masters’ voice, and today, He has led me to streams overflowing with abundant blessings for my career in His vineyard.

What I’m trying to say is that, from a piano teaching career, God has really placed in my path, springs of branches into new territories. One by one, the gates opened, the bridges came forth and I am truly blessed and rewarded with abundant fruit and harvest.

Since my realization, I have been sharing all I had with those in need like; scholarships for talented children who have no opportunities to learn music, for the talented who wish for a career in music, for the disabled (we have just started to help the blind and the mentally retarded), charity shows for the various charitable organizations, for our own staff, for single mothers, for orphans, etc. Through this, I hope that all may know the wonders of God’s greatest miracle of love and salvation, and that through His gift of music, anyone can be a powerful instrument to share this message of love.

Dr. Geraldine Law-Lee, Tue 06/05/2008

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