It is 5am in the morning and we are getting ready to go to the van-station to wait for our van to bring us on a 2 hour van-ride through the scenic view from Jakarta to Bandung. Bandung is a nice hill resort style kind of town where the air is much cleaner and cooler than JAkarta. This town has streets lined with shops after shops offering mass factory-produced clothes. It is virtually a shopper's bargain paradise.
We arrive in Bandung at around 10am and go straight to the Auditorium Graha Kadin, the selected venue of choice for our Music Fiesta and MPA activities arranged for by Andry Effendy. After a bit of checking out the equipment and tuning of the pianos, we proceed to lunch. After lunch, the activities begin with the MPA performers coming on-stage first. After the young talented children have performed, we took out the new Rhythm Game cards and proceeded to have a game with them. The game of choice was the composition game as most of these kids were already around the ages of 7 to 8 years old.
It was a very interesting session and htese kids could come up with some pretty nice compositions of their own. I would say that this group managed the games very well because some of these kids managed to write some pretty impressive music at that very young age.
After all the performances were over, we had a short break before dinner where we took this time to meet with some members from the locally formed association which looks into the interest of classical musicians. Their role seems to be some kind of a check-and-balance routine for musicians to provide a platform for discussions and performance. For this afternoon we centered our discussion around the topic of the positive and negative attributes of sending young children for competitions.
The evening program consisted of a performance recital from Wilson and also some selected participants from the afternoon's program.
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